Does life ever seem to come at you by surprise?
Just when you think you have everything under control and planned out… opportunities start arising and you’re given some options to change up a little bit about your life, career, where you live etc. and it’s up to you with how to decide to make this turn of events happen.
Recently, I’ve discovered some self-doubt in a skill that I’ve always been passionate about but never really thought I was very good at. I had to step back and really assess my strengths and weaknesses.
A dear friend of mine, who I had leaned on in this time of distress and confusion in my life, offered me some insight and direction to keep me on the right path. God knew that she would be able to set my attitude straight and get me back on track after the little set back I had.
It still surprises me sometimes how God works in mysterious ways.
Our family is anticipating some very big LIFE CHANGES this year and while I can plan away, I know God is in complete control and I have to remind myself to let Go and let God.
I have to have faith in God and trust his plan that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. He places things along our path that He knows we are capable of overcoming and pursuing.
I am grateful for the opportunities that He has given me and am looking forward to what is to come, and know I can do anything with the strength He provides.
Take a moment in your daily life and reflect on ways that God has shown Himself to you that today. He shined through my friend in my time of need and He’s going to be there for me every step of the way in my journey this year.