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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

In A Rut?

Posted by Living Scripture Strong on

In A Rut?

Memory Verse

Psalm 98:1 Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!

This week we’d like to encourage you to MEMORIZE the verse and hide it deep in your heart. That is what God’s word says for us to do.

This means spending a few minutes each day reading the verse out loud and then repeating it over and over until you have it memorized. By the third day, you should be able to say most of the verse without even looking!

Psalm 98:1 Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!

In A Rut?

Have you ever gotten an old song just stuck in your head and it’s not a song that brings joy and gladness to your heart? Sad songs that bring back bad memories or memories you would like to forget?

Old songs are like old ruts, they are familiar but they also get old and stale before too long. Have you ever heard a song just played too many times on the radio? When it comes on you just feel like flipping the station?

What we need is a new song, a new song that the Lord has put in our heart.

Grab your Scripture Blanket, sit down, and have a conversation with God today, sing Him a new song.

It’s time to leave some of our old stale songs behind and to sing a new song of celebration to God! Live Scripture Strong!

Living Scripture Strong

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