Memory Verse
Romans 12:10 Love one another deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.
This week we’d like to encourage you to MEMORIZE the verse and hide it deep in your heart. That is what God’s word says for us to do.
This means spending a few minutes each day reading the verse out loud and then repeating it over and over until you have it memorized. By the third day, you should be able to say most of the verse without even looking!
Grab your Ceramic Coffee Mug, brew some coffee, and have a talk with God while you memorize your verse.
Romans 12:10 Love one another deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.
What is the most loving thing you can do for another person?
Now, I can only speak of my family but I can confidently say my mother and father would never do anything, at least intentionally, to hurt, harm, or destroy me. In fact we do just the opposite. In my family, we do everything to build each other up. We support one another and when one of us goes through a difficult time, we are right there helping, encouraging, and strengthening one another.
The individual members of my family do not live in isolation either. We tend to know what is going on in each other’s lives and therefore we live as a family unit, living life in the presence of one another. This brings about accountability and responsibility.
There must be honest love among us, not hypocritical love that betrays and then runs away.
Jesus intended his church to live as a community; as a family unit and in brotherly love. We are not strangers to each other. We are brothers and sisters because we have the same Father, God. Live Scripture Strong!