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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

Love Yourself!

Posted by Living Scripture Strong on

Love Yourself!

Let's talk about self-love! I came across this verse this week and it hit me in a way that I just had to share. 

"After all, no one ever hated their own body. Instead, they feed and care for their body. And this is what Christ does for the church." Ephesians 5:29

I feel like people around me are always worried about their image. Their weight, their clothes, their reputation, we are always trying to better ourselves. Improving yourself is not a bad thing, but it can get to a point where it takes away from what really matters.

Jesus tells us to feed and care for our body, as He does for the church. This includes being nice to ourselves, loving our body in all forms, and being kind to others. Love yourself as Jesus does and the rest will fall into place.

Self-love is something I've made a top priority this year! After all, an empty glass can't fill other glasses. Keep your glass full so you can help others fill theirs up! Making everyone else happy all the time will only lead to burnout, focus on your self-care first, and you will all-around love yourself more.

My favorite form of self-care is journaling! I love writing down my thoughts and feelings every day, and something I'm grateful for! You can do this too with our new Notebook & Pen Sets! I love these for journaling and they are a great reminder of God's place in our lives!

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