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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

Put On Your Oxygen Mask First

Posted by Living Scripture Strong on

Put On Your Oxygen Mask First

Most people who fly rarely pay much attention to the “safety demonstration” given by the flight crew before take-off. They are too busy getting settled in, putting on their seat belt or finishing up that last minute urgent call to the office. Do you pay attention to the safety demonstration?

One important piece of information all flight crew never fails to mention is to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting your children or others around you. This one little piece of advice is mission critical in times of crises and can be assimilated to our everyday lives.  

Think about it….how can you help someone else if you are gasping for air yourself?

  • Are you taking time to plan and prepare healthy meals so your body receives the right nutrition to fuel your busy days?
  • Are you taking time to get the right amount of sleep so you can wake refreshed and renewed every morning?
  • Are you squeezing in at least 30-minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week so your body is strong and healthy to keep up with your kids?
  • Are you filling yourself up with God’s word and encouragement every morning so you can go and encourage others throughout the day?

How can you expect to serve everyone else without serving yourself first?  


As a mother of four cheerful and charming children (not all the time) who spent a decade climbing the corporate ladder and chasing a career, take it from me….

Put On Your Oxygen Mask FIRST! 

And you ask…..Tricia, how do I do that? ...

I don’t have time in the mornings to read my bible...

I try to eat right, but with all these crazy kids' schedules, it is just not possible...

Just when I get into working out regularly, something changes and I can’t keep the schedule!!

I hear you! And I used to have all those excuses too. But let me tell you this…you can do anything you set your mind to. Isn’t that what we tell our children? 

This isn’t to put you down or make you feel inferior. This is to encourage you that there is a better life around the corner, just waiting on you to put your oxygen mask on first before you take care of all those other things and people in your life. 


Here’s how you do it.

Start today.

Pick one thing that you are going to improve upon. One oxygen mask you are going to put on this week.

Maybe it’s your exercise oxygen mask. 

Commit to yourself that no matter what for the next 30 days, starting today, you are going to find 30 minutes, 3 days a week for your exercise oxygen mask.

You are going to schedule that in just like you do your son’s or daughter’s soccer practice. 

You could do like I do and use my son’s soccer practice for my exercise time. I wear my workout clothes and I walk the entire time my son is at practice. I get a full 50 or 60 minutes of walking in those two days of the week. Sometimes I even get a little crazy and jog or run part of the time. 


Find the time.

You can do it! 

You have the time because you make the time.

And once you’ve found the time for your exercise oxygen mask and you feel secure with that one in place, pick a new oxygen mask to put on. 

Don’t try to secure more than one oxygen mask at a time. You will likely fail and give up.


Colossians 3:9-10 reminds us…

9”… since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”

Every day you choose to put on your oxygen mask first, you are choosing to take off your old self and put on a new self. You are taking a step toward the person God has created you to be, the best possible you.

Choose today to be a new day for a new you. Take that first step and put your oxygen mask on first and LIVE SCRIPTURE STRONG!

Living Scripture Strong

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