Congratulations, you’ve made it through the busy holiday that is CHRISTmas. I hope it treated you well and that you’ve gotten to spend much time with family and friends!
But let’s make one statement just real quick because I can’t hold it back any longer…
Every year we are reminded of this gift that God bestowed upon us and I feel that all too many people have a tendency to take it for granted, get caught up in the materialistic being of December and forget what’s truly going on.
Sometimes it isn’t until all is calm around life and has settled down a bit, that people reflect on what this is all about.
2 Corinthians 9:15 states “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
Bible Study Tools tell us that, “Meaning either the goodness of God, both to the giver and receiver; for that the one gave so liberally, and the other received so largely, was from the grace of God, who so powerfully inclines the hearts of his children to do good, and offer so willingly of what he has given them, and who so wonderfully provides for the supply of the poor and needy; or else that exceeding grace of God which was so eminently, largely, and freely bestowed on the Corinthians in their effectual calling; or, as some think, Christ himself, who is to be sure "the unspeakable gift" of God; who, though his Son, his own Son, his only begotten Son, the Son of his love, his Son and heir, yet he gave him to be a covenant to the people, the head of his church, the Saviour of sinners, and to be a sacrifice in their room and stead: none can tell how great this gift is, which is so suitable and seasonable, so large and comprehensive, nor declare the love both of the Father and the Son, expressed in it. Thankful we should be for it; and our thankfulness should be shown by highly prizing and valuing this gift; by laying the whole stress of our salvation on Christ; by ascribing all the glory of it to him; by giving up ourselves to him, and to his interest; by walking worthy of him in all well pleasing, and by communicating to the support of his cause, and the supply of his poor ministers and members.
Take these words of thanks be to God and live a life full of gratitude, thankfulness, love and kindness. Start this year with a good heart, not that your heart is bad, but everyone has room for improvement.
Focus more on spreading good and helping others. Pay it forward and love endlessly. After all, we were given the ultimate gift and we are eternally grateful for God’s gift to us. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year, and remember, Live Scripture Strong.
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