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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

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When the first paper volume of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming was published in 1968,[4] it was typeset using hot metal typesetting set by a Monotype Corporation typecaster. This method, dating back to the 19th century, produced a "good classic style" appreciated by Knuth.

Easter - More Than Chocolate

Posted by Living Scripture Strong on

Easter - More Than Chocolate



It’s that amazing time of year again – along with Christmas, this is the biggest and most poignant moment of each calendar year, really.  Easter time.


What does that word mean to you? Does in conjure thoughts of delicious chocolate eggs, toasty warm hot cross buns and fuzzy little bunnies? Does it  remind you to get to that Good Friday church service, make sure you donate a food basket to that helps ministry and stock up on groceries before the shops close for the holiday?

 Does it also move you to think of your Heavenly Creator? The Almighty, the Powerful and the True God who at this time all those years ago, saw His only Son horrendously nailed to a rugged piece of wood…does it make you think of Him too? For the sacrifice…the heartache…the death…do you picture your Savior hanging from that cross, His last breath fading away as He gives up His life for YOU?

As I write this, I’m picturing it – all those people standing around on the hill, watching. Some are crying, some are silently humbled, some are astonished that it’s all happening and some are defiantly smug that He’s up there. How do you think you’d be reacting? The man you’d been following with intense interest and devotion for some time now is just…gone. He’s been ripped from His earthly life and made a spectacle of for all to see.

It’s horrific isn’t it? However, in that horrifying scene lies absolute love. Pure, unadulterated and beautiful love. The Father gave us His Son – just like that. He sent Christ to bridge our distant hearts with His. He filled the gap between us and our Creator! How fantastic is that?! There will never be a greater sacrifice than the reconciliation Jesus provided.

This Easter, it’s my prayer that you engage with much more of His Story than what the world offers. More than the chocolate, the bunnies and the days off of work. It’s my hope that something in the amazing sacrifice speaks volumes to you and connects your heart much more deeply to His.

Happy Easter!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In God’s great mercy he has caused us to be born again into a living hope, because Jesus Christ rose from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3 NCV YouVersion)

Written By: Hannah Juanta https://storykuwento.wordpress.com

Photo Credit: Jason Rutel via CreationSwap

Living Scripture Strong

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